Keel Billed Mot Mot

Keel Billed Mot Mot

This bird has a relatively large and fragmented range, but it occurs at low densities and it requires  undisturbed habitat to sustain viable populations., It is classified as Vulnerable because its small population occurs in one of the most threatened habitats in Honduras, and is consequently suspected to be in decline, The Keel Billed Mot Mot has been recorded at a relatively small number of localities scattered over an extensive range in Central America, mostly on the Caribbean slope, north and central part of Honduras,  Most obsrvations in Honduras have been of pairs, single birds,maximun of three birds, and it has been recorded in a few localities. but even at these sites, it occurs at a very low density and is generally considered rare.

The species’s population is suspected to be in slow decline, owing to the clearance of lowland and montane forest throughout its range for agriculture and human settlement.

It occurs in humid lowland and montane forest up to 700 m, but there are few  records  of them at 100 m elevation in Pico Bonito National Park.

We have just a few places with good destinations to watch this bird, one of them is central highlands of PANACAM National park, Pico Bonito National Park, Lancetilla Botanical Garden, and many others in remote are of La Moskitia on the eastern part of Honduras.